Check your "unofficial" ANVL claim.
This is a community project (not official). For informational purposes only. Report a bug/error.
This address looks incorrect

Your ANVL results

Snapshot Total: ANVL*

*It's unknown how the team will handle rounding so totals might be off by as much as 1 ANVL.

Your AMP results

AMP in wallet:
Pending eth transactions: Checking...

Result descriptions

The current amount eligible for the ANVL claim.
Pending Stake
You went through the staking process but these tokens are still pending and have not been added to Flexa Capacity. Nothing for you to do but wait. Flexa will eventually change the status of these tokens to "Staked".
You unstaked these tokens but have yet to move them to a wallet or pool. These tokens probably won't count towards the ANVL token claim. To ensure they qualify go to and connect your wallet. Find the pool and click the "Move" button. In the pop-up specify which pool you'd like to stake.
Pending Unstake
You went through the unstaking process but these tokens are stuck in pending and can't be moved yet. Nothing for you to do but wait. Flexa will eventually change the status of these tokens to "Unstaked".
Pending ETH Transactions
These transactions are still pending on the ethereum blockchain. Flexa can't move your tokens into the "Pending Stake" or "Pending Unstake" status until this transaction clears. Usually a transaction will get stuck here because your gas fee was set too low. Here is a list of ALL the pending eth transactions for the staking contract, you'll need to find the ones that have your wallet address in the from field. Then cancel the transaction or attempt to modify it.